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Last week I went to the US Treasury, joined by some of my colleagues on the House Oversight Committee, to review the Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) of the Biden Family.

What I found was SHOCKING! The SARs reports I reviewed showed countless LLCs made to launder the Biden family money from foreign counties. None of these businesses created any products or services. The only thing they sold was influence while Joe Biden was Vice President. So many more family members are implemented in this influence peddling than just Hunter Biden.

I even found evidence that the Biden Family was potentially participating in human trafficking by soliciting prostitutes from the United States and abroad in countries like Russia and Ukraine.

Now, Hunter Biden’s lawyers are attempting to shut down my clear legislative oversight of the executive branch. No amount of lawyers will be able to stop me from exposing the potential influence peddling, money laundering, and human trafficking done by the most corrupt family in American history at the expense of the American people.

Joe Biden just announced he’s running for President in 2024, but there’s a lot of Biden family corruption to get to the bottom of until then.

Do you support my work to investigate the full extent of corruption and potential crimes committed by the Biden Family?

Please take my quick one-question survey and let me know!

America First,

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene


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