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Eliminate The ATF

  • Eliminate The ETF
Eliminate The ATF

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced the 'Brian A. Terry Memorial Eliminate the ATF Act' (H.R. 3960) to end the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms' war on law-abiding gun owners and the Second Amendment.

Congressmen Ralph Norman (SC-5), Paul Gosar (AZ-4), and Matt Gaetz (FL-1) have joined Congresswoman Greene as original cosponsors.

The Brian A. Terry Memorial Eliminate the ATF Act:

  • Repeals all ATF regulations and guidance after August 1, 2020 to the date of enactment; rescinds hiring authority for the Bureau, and abolishes the Bureau six months after the date of enactment.
  • Requires that the Bureau publish an itemized list on their website of all confiscated firearms and ammunition possessed by the Bureau, which must be sold to Federal Firearms Licensed (FFL) dealers via public auction before the Bureau closes.
  • Transfers Alcohol, Tobacco, and other regulatory functions back to the FBI.
  • Proceeds from the auction are placed into a fund for the families of border patrol officers killed in the line of duty as a result of Operation Fast and Furious (i.e. after December 1, 2009), providing grants up to $150,000 per family affected.
  • Redirects any remaining funds not used by 2032 to a program awarding states grant funds to establish firearm safety programs.

Congresswoman Greene issued the following statement:

"Joe Biden and the radical, anti-gun Democrats want to unleash the ATF on law-abiding gun owners across America, attacking our God-given Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. 

The ATF's ongoing, unconstutional attacks on the Second Amendment must end. 

12 years ago, under the direction of hate America leftist Eric Holder, the ATF smuggled firearms to Mexican drug cartels (Operation Fast & Furious) who then used those firearms to kill American hero Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. 

This can NEVER be allowed to happen again. 

Joe Biden's nomination of gun-grabber David Chipman, who wants to ban, confiscate, and destroy the most popular self-defense and hunting rifle in America owned by millions of American patriots, is a clear indication that the ATF's war on gun owners is just beginning and is about to crank up.

I'm introducing this legislation to Eliminate the ATF to protect ALL gun owners across this country from a tyrannical, power hungry group of bureaucrats who's goal is to destroy our Second Amendment rights."

Read the full text of H.R. 3960 here.

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