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Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Sends Letter to U.S. Secretary of Defense Following Whistleblower Documents Concerning U.S. Involvement in the Proxy War in Ukraine

Today, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin following the release of classified documents from alleged whistleblower Air National Guardsman Jack Teixeira, a 21-year- old member of the 102nd Intelligence Wing of Massachusetts.

Mr. Teixeria has exposed the corruption of the Biden Administration, the most unforgivable of crimes against the regime. We now know that Joe Biden lied to the American people from day one about the war in Ukraine, as the United States is actively engaged in a proxy war with Russia with American special forces on the ground in Ukraine and totally jeopardized peace efforts by pushing our country to the brink of nuclear holocaust.

In response to the information contained in the documents released by Mr. Teixeria, Congresswoman Greene is seeking answers to the following questions from Secretary of Defense Austin:

  1. What steps are the Department of Defense taking to make U.S. military operations in foreign countries, funded by American taxpayers, more transparent so as not to be humiliated by leaks of classified documents?
  2. What type of military operations are being conducted by U.S. Special Forces in Ukraine?
  3. Did President Biden authorize the placing of American troops in Ukraine, without the Constitutional approval needed from Congress?
  4. How many American servicemembers are currently stationed in Ukraine, aside from the 14 reported in the leaked documents?

Congresswoman Greene expects an expeditious response to her letter concerning transparency and accountability in the Department of Defense.


April 14, 2023

Hon. Lloyd J. Austin
Secretary of Defense
U.S. Department of Defense
1000 Defense, Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301-1000

Dear Secretary Austin:

Nearly 100 special forces from Western countries, including more than a dozen Americans, have been operating on the ground in Ukraine, according to leaked classified documents. These classified documents were allegedly leaked by Air National Guardsman Jack Teixeira, a 21-year- old member of the 102nd Intelligence Wing of Massachusetts.

It is apparent that Mr. Teixeira is a whistleblower exposing the corruption of the Biden Administration. From day one, Joe Biden has lied to the American people about the war in Ukraine. His decision to send billions of dollars’ worth of weapons and aid to Ukraine has engaged the United States in a proxy war it cannot afford, jeopardized peace efforts, and pushed the United States to the brink of nuclear holocaust. A U.S. Troop presence in Ukraine was never authorized by Congress and demonstrates that Joe Biden is open to pursuing a broader conflict between two nuclear powers.

It is vital for the Department of Defense to provide Congress with answers on the presence of U.S. troops in Ukraine. Therefore, I, as a duly elected Member of Congress, demand direct answers to the following questions:

  1. What steps are the Department of Defense taking to make U.S. military operations in foreign countries, funded by American taxpayers, more transparent so as not to be humiliated by leaks of classified documents?
  2. What type of military operations are being conducted by U.S. Special Forces in Ukraine?
  3. Did President Biden authorize the placing of American troops in Ukraine, without the Constitutional approval needed from Congress?
  4. How many American servicemembers are currently stationed in Ukraine, aside from the 14 reported in the leaked documents?

I look forward to your expeditious response to this letter concerning transparency and accountability in the Department of Defense.


Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene's Signature
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Member of Congress


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