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Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Successfully Removes Ukraine Funding from US DOD Appropriations Bill

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Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene

Yesterday, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene released a recap video highlighting her success in removing funding for the proxy war in Ukraine from the United States's Department of Defense appropriations bill and issued a brief statement. WATCH NOW "For weeks, I’ve been calling for taxpayer funding to Ukraine to be pulled…

STATEMENT: Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene on Rules Package Facing a Vote in the House

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Today, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene made the following statement on the Rules package facing a vote in the House: "For weeks, I’ve been asking for Ukraine funding to be a standalone vote, not cash hidden inside of other bills. For a moment, it seemed like that would happen. But it didn’t. Instead of stripping $300 million of funding to Ukraine from the DOD approps bill like…

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Legislation to FIRE Fauci & BAN Vaccine "Passports"

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Today, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced two pieces of legislation to fight back against the authoritarian COVID dictates of Democrat politicians, DC bureaucrats, and Corporate Communists. The "Fire Fauci Act" will slash the salary of Dr. Always Wrong to $0 and the "We Will Not Comply Act" will ban vaccine "passports," prevent…

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