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Flooding State of Emergency Assistance

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Tags: Blog Post

LAST UPDATED: 9/12/2022 at 4:56 PM ET This page is no longer regularly maintained and information may be out-of-date. My office is closely monitoring the severe flooding in Northwest Georgia. Do not hesitate to reach out to my office if we can be of assistance. We’re here to help and everyone is praying for the families affected by this devastating storm. Remember to document your…

Passport Awareness Month 2022

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Tags: Blog Post

September is Passport Awareness Month and a great time to apply for or renew your passport when demand is low. Avoid the stress (and expedite fee!) associated with applying for a passport at the last minute and be sure to check your passport's expiration date and remember that many countries require a minimum of six months of passport validity. For more information on how to apply and…

Office Locations

Georgia state map
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    Dalton District Office
    P.O. Box 829
    Dalton, GA 30722

    Phone: (706) 226-5320

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    Washington DC Office
    2201 Rayburn Building
    Washington, DC 20515

    Phone: (202) 225-5211